ODM BIZ Overview
당사는 상품기획, 디자인, 기구 설계를 포함하여 Embedded Linux 기반 HW, SW 설계 역량을 기반으로 고객사에게 다양한
제품 설계 및 관련 개발 서비스를 제공하며 ODM 제조관리 전문성을 바탕으로 생산과 품질이 검증된 EMS 업체와 협업체계를
구축하여 고객사가 요청한 제품을 적시에 개발 및 공급하는 전문적인 ODM Business 체계를 운영하고 있습니다.
ODM 공급 절차
WAVEON / EMS Factory
Phase 3
Production approval
by Buyer
Production Approval &
Ship to Buyer
Phase 1
RFP Release
Product Dev.
[ex. 6 months]
Phase 2
Development approval
by Buyer
Dev. approval
& Production
SMT Progress
Assembly Progress
Quality Progress
Function Test
1st OQC
Audit by waveon
Function Test
2nd OQC
Audit by Buyer
ODM Business Overview
ODM Business[Original Design Manufacturing]
We, WAVEON provide our customers with the finished products as per customer’s technical request after proceed the design and artwork and HW, SW development based on our own R&D performance and manufactured products at the reliable standard of our own quality management system in terms of massive and even various type of product development requests by customers.
ODM Project Business
RFP by Customer
e-mail / Off-line
Meeting Customer
e-mail / Off-line
Quote by waveon
Project signing by Customer
H/W Dev. 2nd
Event Review
OS Porting & Test App Design
H/W Debug & Test Result
H/W Dev. 1st
Event Review
Project Start
R&D Start/ SPEC Fix
Customer Application
Development Support
Pre-Production &
Review for Quality
Quality Report & Approval notice by Customer
Mass Production &
Delivery to Customer
ODM Project Process
1. Product development, Mass production procedure
The cost for the product development requested by customers will be decided by the agreement with customers.
HW, SW development such as OS porting, test application will be duly supported
and the continuous technical support will be duly carried out after product launch.
2. Working Sample stage
After product development,
the initial product samples will be prepared for internal test and customer’s review purpose.
The working samples will be redefined after the function & reliability test results for the improvement to the next stage.
The standard of specs and design for working samples shall be previously discussed with customers based on the initial
requirement, and afterward,
the improved samples will be duly prepared based On the root cause of defect from the initial test results
with the corrective actions.
1) H/W development, OS Porting & Test Application development
H/W development, OS porting and test application will be duly developed, and test application is the source code
that customer requires to develop the actual application as per H/W design.
2) OS Porting & test application development
The simple version of test code will be duly provided to customers in case that customers require using GUI,
but it is also required for customers supply the related H/W for test code programming.
3. Customer Service Management
We, WAVEON manage the customer service after provide our product and required development deliverables
with customers based on our own customer claim management process.
The technical support will be duly carried out even after launch of our product and the hand-over of development
deliverables, but if any type of major change on H/W or SW is requested after launch, there will be the discussion
procedure on the development cost with customers.
4.Customer Service Management
Customer Claim Management Process(CS)
Smart KIDS Watch Phone with 3G

Item | Specification 1 | Specification 2 |
All-in-one Taxi Monitoring Device

Item | Specification 1 | Specification 2 |
Android Tablet PC with Skincare

Item | Specification 1 | Specification 2 |
GPS Car Tracker

Item | Specification |
GPS Personal Tracker

Title | Specification 1 | Specification 2 |
Car Dash Cam with Radar Detection

Item | Specification 1 | Specification 2 |